Poodle Dog | Discover the Charm and Intelligence



The poodle dog breed is attractive with a dense, curly coat. The Poodle’s body is moderately lean and muscular, as well as poodles can move smoothly and energetically. The poodle dog is generally medium-length with an adorable puppy face.

France is recognized as the official country of origin of the modern Poodle. Poodles are flexible, meaning they will be pleased even in a small apartment and a big house with a backyard.

The Poodle’s main purpose from the 17th – 19th centuries was hunting for waterfowl. Later on, the dog was used to search for the wounded during the hostilities and as a shepherd dog to protect the livestock of the poodle owners.

However, due to the pretty appearance, high intelligence, and trainability, the breed was retrained as decorative, and the dog lost its working qualities.

So, let’s learn more about these dog breeds in the article below.

What Is A Poodle Dog?

Although modern Poodles appear to exemplify a luxurious and lazy life: These smart dogs are real breeds to do genuine jobs in the past. Although it barely seems achievable as soon as you look at a present-day primped-up Poodle dog, the dog was initially a water retriever, which has to jump in the water and fetch waterfowl as a job for hunters.

To be true, the English word “poodle” is mainly derived from the German term “pudelin,” or “pudel,” meaning “splash in the water.” On the other hand, in France, the same breed is known as “Caniche,” a word that emanated from “chien canard,” which means “duck dog.” And these excel not only in duck hunting but also in dog sports.

These dog breeds were initially born in Germany and can be noticed in the art form of the 15th & 16th centuries. Along with their role as duck dogs, they have even worked as truffle hunters and circus performers.

The breed’s origin is debated, with some stating they came from German, while others consider the Poodle derived from France, perhaps bred with the Hungarian water dogs. But the all-around agreement is that these dogs are bred in Germany.

Here are a few quick facts about the poodle dog breed. Let’s have a look at the poodle dog breed.

Other Quick Facts About Poodle Dog Breed

  • Their intelligence, integrated with their urge to please the owner, makes them easy to train.
  • The poodle coat is dense even after being a single-layer curled coat. A Poodle doesn’t shed much as compared to other dogs.
  • Poodles require frequent physical exercise and mental stimulation.
  • The grooming needs of a Poodle are many. Clipping should be regularly done every Six to Eight weeks; otherwise, that dense, curly coat will tangle into knots.
  • The main purpose of the Poodle dogs was to retrieve waterfowl, and they can perform that job today.
  • Poodle dogs aren’t prissy and are only as likely as other canines to enjoy muddy or wet fun.
  • Poodle dogs can be among the best dogs for families. For the miniature dog’s protection, many breeders will not place Toy Poodle dogs in homes with kids younger than ten years.

What Does Poodle Dog Look Like

The Poodle is a gorgeous dog with a nice, curly coat. The ears of these dogs are rather large, low set, and hanging, and the tail is set high, docked at 2/3, like in spaniels. The paws of this dog are strong and rather high. The eyes are large with an intelligent cheerful look.

The poodle coat is long, strongly curly, and of two types: corded (spiral curls) and curly. The growth of these dogs varies depending on various factors. In standard or large poodles, the height till the shoulder reaches 62 cm; in small ones – 45 cm, and toy poodles – up to 28 cm. 20 cm.

The classic colors are black (the most common ones), white, and brown, then silver poodles were bred (born black, and by about two years, they “turn gray”), red, and apricot.

Until recently, it was believed that all colors of poodles should be exclusively solid, but now there is a whole group of such exotic colors as brindle, black, and tan (the so-called “phantom”) and “harlequin” (white with black spots). However, often such spotted poodles are classified into a separate sub-breed.

How Big Do Poodle Dogs Get?

The AKC (American Kennel Club) defines the Poodle as “one of dogdom’s real aristocrats.” Here is the average size of a poodle dog. Depending on the type of breeding dogs. So, let’s find out how big a poodle dog breed can get depending on its variety.

Standard Poodles

Generally, a standard Poodle dog is more than 15″ tall. Even though these dogs generally range from 22 inches to 27 inches at their shoulders, as per the National Breed Club.

Medium Poodles

The medium Poodles, acknowledged by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the most considerable international union of national kennel clubs, categorizes these Poodles as 15 to 20 inches. They can get as big as 20 inches and not more than that.

Miniature Poodles

Miniature Poodle dogs are quite smaller, ranging between 11 and 15 inches to the shoulder. Miniature and Toy Poodles are among the cutest.

Toy Poodle

You’ll see these small teacup dogs, which stand not over 10 inches tall. Toy Poodles are regarded as intellectual as standard Poodles, but their eagerness and insatiable energy frequently wear them out very quickly.

However, the tinier toy and miniature poodles may not be a suitable choice for beginners who do not know how to take care of a dog gently, and as a result, they may get hurt.

How Much Does a Poodle Dog Weight?

Standard Poodles weigh 20 kg to 32 kg (44 pounds to 71 pounds) on average, Medium Poodles 15 kg to 19 kg (33 pounds to 42 pounds), Miniature Poodles 12 kg to 14 kg (26 pounds to 31 pounds), and Toy Poodles 6.5 kg to 7.5 kg (14 pounds to 17 pounds).

There are several methods for determining how much larger your Poodle dog will become. Age is the first one. Your Poodle still has much room to grow if they are under a year old!

If your Poodle dog is between 1 and 2 years old, they are most likely at their adult height, though they may still be filling out a little.

Does Poodle Dog Shed?

Well, to answer this question, we must say YES, although they are a breed that is thought to be hypoallergenic and has very little shedding. A poodle is an excellent choice if you’re searching for a canine that won’t cause allergies by shedding plenty of hair throughout your home.

Even though it’s impossible to predict confidently, a poodle will shed very little hair on any given day. Poodle hair is not likely to be found on your clothes, carpets, or furniture.

Remember: Larger poodles will often shed more hair than smaller poodles. The AKC reports that some standard poodles shed more than miniature poodles because of their size. Standard poodles may shed more than a toy poodle dog. When adopting a poodle, you might want to consider the various sizes if you have serious allergies.

How Often Should You Bathe A Poodle Dog?

Poodle dogs need a bath every three weeks. Your Poodle’s coat and skin “reset” when you bathe them. Regardless of how much exercise your dog gets or doesn’t get, or whether or not your Poodle stored dust or other particles in the coat, a process starts as soon as the previous bath was performed.

Little amounts of natural body oils are released by their skin. They help in protecting & moisturize the skin. These body oils will, however, build up over time. As it doesn’t vanish and the coat traps it, a significant amount of it will stay on the skin.

After three weeks, there’s been sufficient buildup that skin pores clog. Also, the oil starts to smell terrible since it has collected enough microscopic particles. At the three-week mark, give it a thorough bath with high-quality products, and it will:

  • Rinse those oils away.
  • Cleanse dirt & debris away.
  • Moisture the skin, but do not leave a heavy residue.
  • Use a shampoo recommended by your veterinarian. Don’t use human shampoo.

Do Poodle Dogs Bark A Lot?

Small pups may be on your mind when considering which types of dogs bark a lot. Toy, miniature, and standard Poodles all bark, though to a similar extent. The majority of Poodles will bark if they see someone outdoors, overhear loud noises, or just because they’re bored.

They are ideal watchdogs since they bark to warn their owners of potential threats. Although, Poodles are not the best guard dogs. Poodles are considered moderate barkers, meaning other dogs may bark more or less than them.

Because of the many triggers in this breed, they have a rep for being barky dogs. However, keep in mind that many pets have comparable triggers. These include the following.

  • Excitement
  • Separation anxiety
  • Visitors
  • Boredom
  • Alerting the owner to possible threats
  • Strangers walking by
  • Loud noises, etc.

Moreover, a sick or hurt dog may bark, and senior canines may have behavioral problems. Maintain a watchful eye on your Poodle if it looks like they are barking randomly and without apparent reason, and bring them to the doctor if they also exhibit other symptoms.

The easiest way to get your Poodle to stop barking during training is to use treats as a reward. All dogs have things that make them want to bark, and you might never be able to stop them entirely.

But, you can significantly reduce barking by looking at their triggers, rewarding instead of punishing. 

Are Poodle Dogs Hypoallergenic?

Among the most cherished characteristics of Poodle dogs is that they shed very little and have hypoallergenic hair. When they shed, it usually becomes tangled up with the rest of their curly hair, which can be eliminated with routine brushing.

Although poodles are inherently hypoallergenic, they still need regular brushing, bathing, and grooming. If not maintained clean and hygienic, their skin can harbor just as much dirt and allergies as any other dog.

Standard Poodles are frequently employed as Guide Dogs for the blind, who themselves have allergens and might be incapable of owning a Guide Dog of another breed that sheds since they are hypoallergenic and have superior intelligence. Standard Poodle dogs can be household, show, or working pets.

Are Poodle Dogs Easy To Train?

Education and training are understood not only as the execution of certain commands. It implies, first of all, the dog’s awareness of what she is allowed to do and what is not. Each owner has certain limits on what is permitted. And Poodles originated in such a way that they are easy to train.

The cheerful, playful, responsive, and fun nature of the Poodle disposition makes them the perfect family dog for busy households. The personalities of the three sizes—Standard, Toy, and Miniature—are quite similar.

Due to their bouncing nature, poodles need around an hour of daily exercise. Activities in your Poodle’s training program can keep their minds active and prevent boredom.

Training Advice

  • Ensure that training is constant and employs constructive criticism. And start socialization early on.
  • The intelligence and people-pleaser nature of Poodles makes them excellent candidates for training. To be true, they’re among the breeds that are easiest to teach. They have a history of being working dogs and are frequently quite submissive.
  • Poodles enjoy learning new things and are usually excellent in dog sports, especially ones requiring agility and obedience. They’ll be quite receptive to new instructions and are frequently teachable to do stunts.
  • Puppy riddles can be a fantastic way to challenge their intelligence and keep them cognitively active.

Poodle Dog Behavior Problems

Poodles are cheerful and active dogs and do not show many behavioral issues. They are happy to support any game and quite easily endure moderate physical activity – running and jumping over obstacles. This dog is athletic and almost always in motion – on a walk and at home, he will be interested in new people, smells, and sounds.

The breed is one of the most easily trained. Poodles have a high level of intelligence. Pets are ready to quickly perceive new information and learn skills. In principle, it is not difficult to train them. Usually, dogs remember new commands literally after 2-3 repetitions.

Poodles are well-known for being smart and easy to train. These dogs have a sense of humor and are active, lively, and also fun-loving. Poodles crave attention; if left alone or ignored, they may get undesirable behaviors such as obtrusive barking.

Smaller poodles tend to chase and bite people or other dogs who aren’t members of their families. Early exposure to other pets and strangers and a firm hand in training are recommended for the training procedure to avoid behavioral issues in Poodles. Poodles tend to guard their homes and families fiercely.

It should be remembered that poodle dogs are practically hunting dogs, so they do need training and activity to be their finest as companion dogs and display fewer behavioral problems.

How Much Do Poodle Dogs Cost?

Choose a trustworthy breeder if you want a purebred poodle. A reputed breeder runs a particular breeding operation to create the greatest canines. The price of the purebred puppy represents the higher norms that breeders uphold; moreover, you are aware of what you are receiving. You know the dog’s origins and parents and that it has received excellent care.

Well, the price of a purebred poodle varies according to the kind of Poodle you select. Standard Poodles range in price from $600 to $1500, whereas toy and miniature varieties cost more. Typically, they cost between $1000 and $2000.

Where To Buy/Adopt a Poodle Dog?

Purchasing a Poodle is easy, but you should be ready. If you’re getting a puppy, you’ll spend a lot of time training it in basic manners, introducing it to other dogs and people, and imparting valuable knowledge such as sleeping at night and using the bathroom outside.

A simple internet search can lead you to a pup or adult dog, but be wary of backyard breeders and online fraud. There are numerous ways to locate a reliable breeder, so it’s a good idea to ask about, tour the facility before making a purchase, and follow your instincts.

Poodle Adoption

Adopting a rescue dog is one of the best methods to discover a Poodle. In contrast to puppies, rescues frequently arrive spayed, neutered, and vaccinations. Many rescue dogs are turned in by their owners, who are probably trained and socialized.

If not, it doesn’t exclude you from cooperating with them. For further info on how to train a dog who hasn’t had much structure or how to make a wounded dog feel safe and welcome, get in touch with a reputable dog trainer.

Poodle Breeders

Use the AKC (American Kennel Club) search engine to locate local Poodle breeders who adhere to high standards in your area. Ask about any inherited medical conditions in the dog’s family and bring up any genetic screening you may wish to have done when you visit.

Reach Out to Local Professionals

Start expressing your wish for a Poodle to all the local veterinary professionals. This covers veterinarians, groomers, and dog walkers. When faced with giving up a dog, people frequently turn to their reliable network for advice.

Talk to Breed Rescue

You might be able to find a dog through networking who would make the ideal family pet. Most Poodle lovers adore all varieties of the breed. Because of this, breed groups support organizations that care for stray dogs.

The American Poodle Club Rescue Network will assist you in locating a dog who might be the ideal family pet. Moreover, you can look online for nearby Poodle rescues.

Health Concerns Of Poodles

Poodles are typically considered a relatively robust breed with some health problems. Their lifespan is between 10 and 18 years. Most Poodles have a long, healthy life thanks to the long tradition of raising clever, empathetic, and quiet dogs. The health conditions that affect Poodles most frequently are listed below.

Hip Dysplasia

Like other dogs, poodles can develop hip dysplasia. It happens when the hip’s ball-and-socket joint relocates and dislocates frequently, wearing down the joint’s structural integrity.

Some dogs might just use their front paws to stand up or be reluctant to participate in playfulness. Their hip pain may be the cause of this.

Addison’s Disease

It is crucial to consult your veterinarian to perform a quick blood test for Addison’s disease if you recently adopted your Poodle or are unsure of its health history. It is also called hypoadrenocorticism and results from the adrenal gland not producing enough adrenal hormones.

This is a serious condition that needs to be treated because these hormones are necessary for maintaining life. The early symptoms of Addison’s disease in dogs typically include gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, anorexia, or lethargy. It might be quite simple to overlook this illness.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease comes in 3 different kinds. Pituitary Dependent (known as PD) is the more typical kind that most dogs have. The pituitary gland is the location of a slow-growing malignancy in dogs of this type. The Non-Pituitary variant comes next.

In this case, either of the adrenal cortex is affected by a tumor. The final form develops when dogs take “Cortisone” for an extended period. This medicine comes in various forms, and its prolonged usage can have negative effects.


Bloat, an especially dangerous condition, happens when gas gets trapped in a dog’s stomach, causing the stomach to twist into a knot. If medical intervention is not used to relieve the pressure, it might soon become fatal.

To be ready for any eventuality, become familiar with the signs of bloat. This illness affects large-chested dogs like poodles. If you observe signs of acute lethargy in your dog, the key is to act quickly and go to a veterinary hospital.


Well, Hypothyroidism is a thyroid disorder brought on by insufficient thyroid hormone production. Obesity, skin issues, excessive hunger, erratic heat cycles (mainly in bitches), an excessively coarse hair texture, an inability to keep warm, and lethargy are some typical symptoms.


Several things can lead to seizures in dogs. Idiopathic epilepsy is a prevalent reason for seizures in all kinds of Poodles (and 25 or 30 other dog breeds). Often inherited, idiopathic epilepsy can cause either moderate or severe episodes.


If you are sure you want to get a poodle, then you should decide on the gender of your future pet. You need to buy a bitch only when there is a willingness to deal with the female’s pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition, females have estrus two times a year; during this period, they will have to be monitored more closely. If there is no such desire, purchasing a male is better.

Be sure to talk to the seller: ask about the parents and if they have possible diseases and abnormalities. Ask him about the availability of a pedigree, vaccinations, and parasite treatments.

When buying, you should pay attention to the shape of the puppy’s head. Already in a baby at 4-6 weeks, it should be oblong and flat on the sides. The chin is clearly defined. Eyes must be dry. Wet streaks under them may indicate the presence of some kind of disease.

The ears are long and reach the tip of the nose when drawn. At 6-8 weeks, teeth begin to erupt. They should also be looked at. They should be even and white.

A properly raised puppy stands firmly and steadily on its feet while setting the paws at the same time is quite wide. Dewclaws on the hindquarters are not allowed.

Why Were Poodles Bred?

Poodles were designed to be hunting dogs, notably for retrieving waterfowl due to their exceptional swimming ability. Moreover, especially the smaller types, they were developed to be affectionate and amiable companions.

Are poodles suitable as family pets?

A properly socialized and trained Poodle can be a great family pet. They normally get along well with youngsters, while smaller breeds could be too delicate around children who do not know how to gently handle a dog.

Are poodles suitable as apartment pets?

The toy and miniature poodles are suitable for apartments but still require daily exercise. If the standard Poodle receives enough exercise daily, it can live in a large apartment.

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