Dogs have a long history with us. A famous reference would be about our early ancestors taming wild wolves, which in turn are dogs’ ancestors, to be their hunting companions.
A special relationship was established, and after several thousands of years later, the domesticated dogs we know today are born.
During that time, evolution and selective breeding resulted in many dog breeds, bearing appearances, characteristics, and temperament that can suit different people’s tastes.
Of the dog breeds prevalent in the USA, Cavapoo is one of them. It is a relatively new breed, believed to be created during the 1990s in Australia.
Other information about their breed’s past is still largely unknown.
However, it is safe to say that they are steadily gaining popularity in recent years, especially in the designer\mixed breed category.
Lovingly nicknamed Cavadoodles or Cavoodle, the Cavapoo dogs are cross-bred offsprings from the Cavalier King Charles spaniel with the poodle.
In cross-breeding dogs, the primary goal is to create new dogs inheriting the parent dogs’ desired characteristics.
Therefore the Cavapoo would resemble both of its parents.
To be more specific, with the poodle’s gene, Cavadoos would have a hypoallergenic coat and an intelligent nature, and from the noble Cavalier King Charles spaniels is good temperance.
Appearance-wise, they are small to medium built but still depend on the breed of the poodle parent but are surprisingly athletic, with short, soft, and either curly or wavy fur that do require weekly brushing.
However, they shed less fur than other dogs, so they are a rather good breed for people with fur allergies.
Their coats come in many colors: white, cream, gold, fawn, chestnut brown, and chocolate, which can be solid, dual, or triple colored.
With their long, floppy ears, large eyes, and short muzzle, they resemble cute teddy bears, a big hit for dog lovers.
The cavapoo has a lifespan of 12-15 years. Besides their human family, they get well with other pets, like cats, rabbits, and other dogs. Their outgoing and sweet natures make them candidates for therapy dogs.
As for personality, Cavapoo is an intelligent and obedient dog but is also playful, outgoing, and especially affection.
Thus, they are popular family dogs who are very attached to their owners.
However, to dog lovers or future dog owners out there, Cavapoos can have behavior problems when they are not properly trained:
1. Separation Anxiety
Cavapoos, being very social and affectionate, do not thrive well when being left alone too often.
They inherited their clingy attribute from their poodle parent and the nature of being in a pack and chasing smaller animals (even small children) from Cavalier King Charles spaniels.
Therefore they are immensely loyal and constantly demanding affection from their human family.
As a result, these dogs are not recommended to busy people or those who do not have someone else to mind them.
They can develop separation anxiety characterized by peeing in inappropriate places, constant barking and howling, obsessive chewing, scratching, digging, or displaying a frightening stance.
2. Destructive Behavior
they are not aggressive dogs by nature, but as energetic, intelligent, but curious dogs, they need to be in a stimulating environment to satisfy their adventurous nature.
A lack of such also leads to stress and anxiety. As the names imply, tensed cavapoos can destroy your household items, targeting rugs, carpets, furniture, etc.
or displaying aggression towards humans like growling or lashing out. Or have repeated patterns of digging or chewing around the property.
3. Excessive Barking
Cavapoo dogs tend to bark endlessly, which is greatly known about their reputation.
This can be a natural behavior amongst all kinds of dogs since they initially bark repeatedly to attract their owners’ attention.
Cavapoos are also watchdogs, so they bark to alert intruders or any suspicious activity within their territory.
However, if they do not seem to get enough attention or feel bored, stressed, scared, or uncomfortable, they will repeat this activity until it becomes a nuisance to you and your neighbors. This can indicate previous behavioral problems.
Other behavior problems observed in cavapoos are food aggression, jumping on furniture, and people.
How can we solve these behavior problems with cavapoo dogs? First of all, you must assess the solution to these problems over preventive measures.
Preventive measures must be applied first. As the famous saying goes, Prevention is better than cure.
Before having a cavapoo dog in your life, do your research. Determine if you can provide its needs: food and water, safe shelter, medical needs, and proper enrichment such as dog-friendly toys.
This is a very active and love demanding dog breed, so ask yourself if you can bestow enough time for playtime, cuddling, and outdoor exercise.
If you have doubts about such, it would be better to leave these dogs to people who can provide for them.
However, if you are capable of taking care of them, then have your cavapoo dogs when they are still puppies.
This will leave more time for proper dog training, thus preventing separation anxiety and rowdy Behavior in the future.
Consider “Crate Training.” The goal of this training is to let cavapoo puppies know that being alone for some time is alright, a good way to mitigate separation anxiety and obsessive demands of attention in their adulthood.
Cavapoo puppies are then placed inside a crate big enough to move, sit or lie down.
You can leave treats and toys to keep them occupied. They are left alone inside before taken out.
The process is repeated with longer periods. Owners must display a neutral expression upon checking back to encourage puppies to minimize excitement in their return, thus building trust and confidence.
In short, puppies will learn that their owner will always return to them, so there is nothing to be anxious about separation.
For excessive barking and destructive Behavior, since it stems from boredom and lack of physical and mental stimulation, it can be prevented by establishing enrichment and exercise.
Supply enough toys and establish schedules for walks. Give them 30 minutes of exercise such as fetch or an hourly walk around the neighborhood or park.
Get them well socialized to make them feel less intimidated by strangers. Dog parks are great for both socializing and exercise.
Unfortunately, they are sensitive to high temperatures, so remember not to be too active during hot weather.
Constant barking may be due to the environment, so owners must first determine the triggers.
Then, reassure them or train them to bark for a specific time. You can try ignoring them at first and wait until they calmed down.
If you are dealing with dogs that already have such problems, it is advisable to consult professionals.
Some corrective measures overlap with a preventive measure, such as training and enrichment.
Despite being designer breeds, many cavapoo dogs end up in dog kennels.
While adopting dogs is a great option, there are chances that adult cavapoo dogs have underlying behavioral issues.
Nonetheless, they deserved a second chance in a better home and committed families.
Be patient with your dog’s progress. They respond to their owner’s actions and, if rewarded negatively, make their behavior problems even worse. Treat their progress positively to encourage a steady recovery.
Dogs are unique in their way. Even though the breed of the dog pre-establishes their personality, that dog is still an individual.
Under proper care and training, your dog will live a happy and healthy life as your loving companion for many years to come.
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Are you ready to welcome a new family member to your home? What are you waiting for? Get your Cavapoo now!